Comments can be controlled at three levels: page, web and tenant. This post describes these options.
SitePage level
Comments can be switched on and off at page level. This does not delete the comments and when switched back on the thread will be shown again.

Comments can be switched on and off by users in at least the Member Group.
When comments are switched off the number of comments are still visible when showing the details of the page when viewed by users in the Owners group or site collection owners.

Web settings
At web level the setting ‘CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled’ can be set to true to disable the comments using PowerShell.
$web = Get-PnPWeb $web.CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled = $true $web.Update() $web.Context.ExecuteQuery()
This does not delete the comments and when switched back on the thread will be shown again. The number of comments are still visible like the above.
I didn’t find this setting using the UI.
Tenant setting
In the Admin center Comments can be switched off globally.
To get there select ‘Settings’ and ‘Comments on Site Pages’. Can’t find the setting? Go to the classic settings page.